[3830] CQ160 CW KD4D(@N3HBX) Single Op HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Mon Jan 29 17:10:47 EST 2007

                    CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW

Call: KD4D
Operator(s): KD4D
Station: N3HBX

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 30
Radios: SO2R

Total:  QSOs = 1275  State/Prov = 58  Countries = 61  Total Score = 495,516

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


Good conditions and great fun!

 Thanks again to John Evans, N3HBX, for letting me use his
 station.  The K3LR array seemed to work much better this
 year.  I worked several new countries on 160.  9J2BO, 
 T32MO, P33W, OH0Z, UR4LRG, and ST2A called me!  :-)
7X0RY and 9H6A were also new ones on top band.

I concentrated on DX multipliers.  My total was much better,
but I did not have nearly enough 10 point QSO's!  More
mults and QSO's than last year but almost the same score.
Never heard KL7 or VE4.  Some numbers and other info:


4X      Bc      EA      Ga      KP4     Ms      Ny      PJ2     Sd      Va
5B      CE      EA6     HA      Ks      Mt      OH      PY      Sk      Vt
6Y      CN      EA8     HB      Ky      Nb      OH0     Pa      T32     Wa
7X      CT      EI      HK      LA      Nc      OK      Pe      T9      Wi
8P      CT3     ES      HP      LY      Nd      OM      Qc      Tn      Wv
9A      CU      F       I       La      Ne      ON      Ri      Tx      Wy
9H      Ca      Fl      Ia      Ma      Nf      OZ      S5      UA      XE
9J      Co      G       Id      Md      Nh      Oh      SM      UA2     YL
Ab      Ct      GD      Il      Me      Nj      Ok      SP      UR      YO
Al      DL      GJ      In      Mi      Nm      On      ST      Ut      YU
Ar      Dc      GM      KH6     Mn      Ns      Or      SV      VP5     ZL
Az      De      GW      KP2     Mo      Nv      PA      Sc      VP9    

      Continent List  2007 CQ160 CW Contest - KD4D @ N3HBX

  USA calls   =   1022    
  VE calls    =     74    
  N.A. calls  =      8    
  S.A. calls  =      6     
  Euro calls  =    152     
  Afrc calls  =      6     
  Asia calls  =      2    
  JA calls    =      0     
  Ocen calls  =      5     

  Unknowns    =      0    
  Total calls =   1275    

                          2007 CQ160 CW - KD4D @ N3HBX

  ----  ------   -----   -----
    0     113     113     113
    1     110     110     223
    2      83      83     306
    3      69      69     375
    4      55      55     430
    5      34      34     464
    6      21      21     485
    7      33      33     518
    8      65      65     583
    9      43      43     626
   10      27      27     653
   11      36      36     689
   12      28      28     717
   13       0       0     717
   14       0       0     717
   15       0       0     717
   16       0       0     717
   17       0       0     717
   18       0       0     717
   19       0       0     717
   20       0       0     717
   21       4       4     721
   22      34      34     755
   23      21      21     776

    0      46      46     822
    1      51      51     873
    2      46      46     919
    3      37      37     956
    4      30      30     986
    5      44      44    1030
    6      45      45    1075
    7      41      41    1116
    8      25      25    1141
    9      13      13    1154
   10      18      18    1172
   11      20      20    1192
   12      28      28    1220
   13       0       0    1220
   14       0       0    1220
   15       0       0    1220
   16       0       0    1220
   17       0       0    1220
   18       0       0    1220
   19       0       0    1220
   20       0       0    1220
   21       0       0    1220
   22      19      19    1239
   23      36      36    1275

  TOTAL  1275

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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