[3830] IARU 5H3EE(@5I3A) SO CW HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Wed Jul 18 01:34:06 EDT 2007

                    IARU HF World Championship

Call: 5H3EE
Operator(s): 5H3EE
Station: 5I3A

Class: SO CW HP
QTH: Dar es Salaam
Operating Time (hrs): 15

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Zones  HQ Mults
  160:    0     0       0       0
   80:   60     0      12      15
   40:   43     0      15      19
   20:  286     0      16      20
   15:  428     0      18      22
   10:  115     0       9      17
Total:  932     0      70      93  Total Score = 696,988



KLM 10-30-7 LPA, 80/40m dipole
FT890, FL-2100Z

Due to local noise I did break off on sunday morning.  There is nothing I
dislike more, then feeling deaf. Sorry to all, I was still awake...Hi. This
noise is a known problem in Dar es Salaam, during working days...now also at
the weekend!?

The positive recognition was, that  we have a usable 80/40m antenna now at the
clubstation - it is working somehow. Thanks Joseph/5H3WJ, to help bringing it
in a much better position.  Still it was not a rescuer thrue the night... 

The multi looks terrible, 2nd day is missed badly. 

73, See you all next time

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