[3830] NAQP RTTY W6YX M/2 LP

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Mon Jul 23 04:12:23 EDT 2007

                    North American QSO Party, RTTY

Call: W6YX
Operator(s): N7MH KI6CCH W6RK N6DE
Station: W6YX

Class: M/2 LP
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:  110    34
   40:  266    52
   20:  293    52
   15:   93    33
   10:   17     6
Total:  779   177  Total Score = 137,883

Club: Northern California Contest Club



Thanks to all of you for the contacts and the willingness to QSY to other

Despite the pathetic solar conditions SFI=66, A=15, K=2 during the contest, we
ended up with our highest 20m, 40m, and 80m QSO totals ever in a summer NAQP
RTTY.  However, propagation on 10m and 15m simply did not favor the west coast
this time.  Comparing just 10m and 15m, we are down a combined 167 QSOs and 36
mults compared with last summer's NAQP RTTY!  This year, we heard the midwest
and east coast having a good time working each other on 10m and 15m throughout
the day.

W1UE/VE1 and KH6FI were our first two QSOs on 15m at the start of the contest,
but conditions ended up being spotty and funky.  VE6, VE7, and Utah were all
loud on 15m, but the population centers in the US were in and out all day.  We
could hear better than we were heard.  We repeatedly called several stations on
15m who CQ'd in our face.  Some finally heard us a few hours later.

10m was open at times.  Mike regularly checked the band and the 10m beacons. 
During the 20Z hour, we contacted TN and NC.  The best opening was between
21:30Z and 22Z, working loud stations in TX, AZ, and FL.  We tried passing
dozens of stations from 20m to 10m, but few were successful.  Our recent line
noise problem on 10m may have hurt us on mults.

Our main 20m beam developed infinite SWR.  Going back to it later would yield a
couple of transmissions before the infinite SWR came back again.

During the week leading up to the contest, I upgraded Writelog on our four
machines to the latest version so we could take advantage of the %Z function
across the network.  I was apprehensive that something else might break in the
process, but in fact, Writelog was rock solid as usual, without any crashes or
network disconnects.  %Zx1 worked great, and I suspect we'll be using it in
other contests.

Congrats to the N0NI team on their M/2 score.  We had won the NAQP RTTY M/2
competition 5 times in a row at W6YX, and it was time for another station to
enjoy the M/2 plaque.

-Dean - N6DE

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