[3830] CQWW VHF OK1KIM(@OK1KIM/OL4A) Multi-Op HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Mon Jul 23 16:25:35 EDT 2007

                    CQ Worldwide VHF Contest

Call: OK1KIM
Station: OK1KIM/OL4A

Class: Multi-Op HP
QTH: Lesna JO60RN
Operating Time (hrs): 20

 Band  QSOs  Mults
    6:  156    74
    2:  327    90
Total:  483   164  Total Score = 132,840



The expectations were not very high this year since CQWW VHF is 3rd weekend and
OK/OM activity contest is 3rd Sunday (already more than 40 years) and this year
it was not the same weekend and since in the last years it gave us over 40% of
2m QSOs.....

Everything was slow, on the beginning there was huge thunderstorm just 100-50km
southwest of us which finaly got to us and we had to switch off in the evening
earlier.....This also caused much smaller activity on the bands overall in Eu.
Since the thunderstorm was moving very slowly north East, it was somewhere in
JN59 on the beggining and in JO81 in the end. We could hear it "nicely" all the

2m: much less QSOs due to "3rd weekend/sunday issue", thunderstorm, absolutely
no special propagation; no Es, no elevated tropo nothing. Only 327 QSOs and
below our standard 90 LOC. We tried Meteors in the evening and easily achived 1
QSO and than we started with RX3AGD, he written on the chat that he is getting
hefty bursts from us we got only one tiny in the beggining and later nothing
anly after over an hour another 2 tiny ones to conclude the QSO. On the end we
found out that he had only 5W and small Yagi - FOR METEOR scatter operation !.
So together only 3 QSOs this way made.

6m: Again below average propagation, ODX is this year only ZC4LI by 2384km,
some obligatory EA8 did not made it this year. The ESs vere very short and
weak. All the Gs and Scandinavians vere reached by Meteor operation - over 25
QSOs that mode made. Together 156 QSOs + 74 LOCs made in between our multi MW
TV jam. 

Good news for 6m operators all around Europe. this TV TX is going to switch off
- it was oficially anounced for 2009/2010 ! Hopefully next year is the last time
to fight it (OK maybe still one more).

Sum of km pts.: 148 655 (compare to 240 831 from 2006, 270374 from 2005,197716
from 2004 and 152468 from 2003)
average 454.6 km/QSO

ODX RX3AGD in KO85IR at 1644 km - MS
and LA1NNA in JO38MA at 927 km - tropo

Our score this year is only 50% of previous years - so we will see. I doubt in
Eu is someone close, somewhere else ????

Antennas on 2m
6 x 22 Y (9.2 m boom)
4 x 19 Y (8.2 m boom)
6 x 8 Y (3 m boom)
8 x 6 Y (2 m boom)
4 x 14 Y (7.5m boom)
3 x 10 Y (5.5m boom)
1 x 16 Y (10 m boom)
If you sum it up you get "only" 406 elements - 32 booms of total length 179m .

2xIC756PROIII into 2pcs of DB6NT TR144H 14MHz version transverters + 7 x preamp
with GaAs trans. +
PPA with GS35b.

on 6m only a single 9Y-13m long @ 16m + IC7400(IC746PRO) + PPA 2xGI7B

Thanks to all for QSO + 73 !


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