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Mon Jul 30 15:04:00 EDT 2007

                    IOTA Contest

Call: DF1LON/P
Operator(s): DF1LON
Station: DF1LON/P

Class: SO12CW LP
QTH: EU-047
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band  CW Qs  CW Mults  Ph Qs  Ph Mults
   80:   35       9       0        0
   40:  331      35       0        0
   20:  193      25       0        0
   15:    1       1       0        0
   10:    0       0       0        0
Total:  560      70       0        0  Total Score = 215,000

Club: Rhein Ruhr DX Association


Great Contest, very bad weather. My YL and I were on a camping place on Borkum
EU-047. I had to lower my glasfiber mast so that it will not break in the wind.
Station TS-480 100w, 9m Glasfibermast, SG230 tuner and 4 radials (each 10m long)
somewhere on the smal piece of ground that we had for our tent. 
We had lot of rain and very strong winds. The glasfiber mast could not be left
unattended because it collapsed a few times. Lots of rain and especially the
sand makes it a bit unsafe.
And now we also need a new tent. One of the supporting glasfiber bars is
broken, the stitching of the tent is damaged at some places and after the first
night we already needed some new ropes to tighten the tent because the piece
that is responsible for adjusting the rope length was broken. Never had so much
bad weather during an IOTA Contest.
I was QRV the first 8 contest hours and on sunday morning from 5utc until 9utc.
Next time I have to spend more time on 80m to collect some more mults. Nothing
heared on 10m and only one signal on 15m during my 12h contest time. Very
difficult to find those needed IOTA Mults. Seems that more IOTA stations use
SSB than CW.

73 de Lars DF1LON

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