[3830] NCCC Sprint N9NB LP

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Fri Jun 1 21:12:49 EDT 2007

                    NCCC Sprint Ladder - Jun 1

Call: N9NB
Operator(s): N9NB
Station: N9NB

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Virginia
Operating Time (hrs): 0.45

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   0      0
   80:   6      5
   40:   9      7
   20:  14      8
Total:  29     20  Total Score = 580

Club: Central Texas DX and Contest Club


It was a blast meeting so many sprinters at the Dayton Hamfest Supersuite this
year. I am now QRV in Virginia, with a delta loop (top at 50' in a tree, and
center fed 5' above ground)and antenna tuner procured in this year's Dayton
fleamarket, and will get on whenever I'm able. Still have growing pains and lot
to learn, but very excited to have my own station, in my own residence, for
first time in over a couple of decades.

Last week, I rushed to put up the station in Virginia, and began the sprint,
only to have K4BAI very nicely inform me that there was no contest due to WPX
:-). Actually, he is such a classy gent, that he never told me there was no
contest....instead, he kindly worked me for my first and third contact, and
then I figured it out after I realized no one else was on! (No internet or
phone yet connected here in VA)

This was my first time ever using TR in my own shack (Thanks to K5TR for
overnighting the TR software to me last week in time for the "non-sprint", and
Jack w1kef for slipping me the parallel port interface while we were in line at
the KCDXC pile up hospitality suite at Dayton). Am now using am old DOS PC (also
procured at this year's Dayton). Thanks to N3BB for his excellent instruction
this ladder season and for his last minute coaching tips and setup over the
phone. Gosh, I really miss the strong N3BB signal -- now in VA, I have a peanut
whistle signal.....With the delta loop, I found that I was beat out almost every
time when multiple people calling, but if in the clear, I could work well in S&P
mode. However, when I owned the frequency, very few people ever called me so I
couldnt complete doublets. Must get to work with some better antenna options.

Also, am doing manual band changes with the software, and manual antenna tuner
changes. This will take some practice.  This weeek,  I spent the last few
minutes of the NS "off the air"...I was wondering why I couldn't hear anything
on 160 after making the band change at 057..It wasn't until 0301 that I
realized that I had switched my new tuner switch to the "dummy load" setting
from my band change from 80 to 160!)...HA.... Great fun, am looking forward to
next week.

Thanks Dennis W1UE for 4 QSOs and John K4BAI for 3 QSOs

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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