[3830] W4NZ NCCC Thursday Practice Mar 2 Z

Ted Bryant w4nz at comcast.net
Fri Mar 2 07:04:20 EST 2007

160M  QSOS =   5 in    6 minutes
 80M  QSOS =   0 in    0 minutes
 40M  QSOS =  26 in   18 minutes
 20M  QSOS =   4 in    5 minutes
TOTAL QSOS  =  35 in  29 minutes
Total MULTS  =  15.

FINAL SCORE =  525 Points

No 80M this time as the antenna was on the ground out of the way of other backyard work.  Thanks to
N9NB for my only 20M QSO's. Good to hear all the "Phils" on...I can just see N6ZZ's big smile!
Thanks for all the QSO's and Thursday night fun!!  'Til next week..

73, Ted W4NZ

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