[3830] Rus DX NN3W(@N3HBX) SO Mixed HP

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Sun Mar 18 13:12:21 EST 2007

                    Russian DX Contest

Call: NN3W
Operator(s): NN3W
Station: N3HBX

Class: SO Mixed HP
Operating Time (hrs): 22
Radios: SO2R

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Countries  Oblasts
  160:   29      1       18         2
   80:  120     43       48         8
   40:  244      1       58        19
   20:  342    516       88        59
   15:   30      3       22         2
   10:    0      1        1         0
Total:  765    565      235        90  Total Score = 2,230,800

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


Thanks to John N3HBX for the use of the Poolesvlle farm. 

My first RDXC.  Conditions were OK on the low bands, and not so hot on the high
bands.  15 was non-existent although I worked some stations who were VERY loud
around 1700z.  Perhaps there was an opening, but nobody was home to work it.

Despite conditions, I worked some GREAT DX.  Was called by many of these guys -
TT, TR8, 3DA, C4, V51, and ZS.  I'll admit that I took 15 minutes off from the
contest to work HV0A on 75.  My first Vatican EVER... Yayh!  Pretty good
country count for a 24 hour contest.

I think "Single-op Distracted" is very appropriate for packet.  You get too
enamoured with picking off mults and you are too quick to toss your run
frequency.  In this contest, things were made worse by the fact that N1MM was
outright unreliable.  It would start delaying sending messages, would lock up,
refused to switch radios when CQing on CW (essentially making me SO1R on CW),
didnt give me enough contact info for a particular station, would only post
oblast data if I entered a call in the right sequence, etc., etc.  I think
Wintest is due for the farm.

Anyhow, blew several fuses in one of the RC4 controllers, and got disconnected
from packet twice when the packet computer decided on its own to shut down and
reboot.  Ugh.

Thanks all for the QSOs.  Especially to all the "PD", Ms, 2E0s

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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