webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Thu Nov 8 13:07:21 EST 2007

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB

Call: FY5KE
Station: FY5KE

Class: M/S HP
QTH: Kourou
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:  191    14       60
   80:  544    24       93
   40:  964    32      119
   20: 1850    36      147
   15: 3162    33      138
   10: 1568    23      100
Total: 8279   162      657  Total Score = 19,922,175

Club: Bavarian Contest Club


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It still was a very hard job to set up the station and beverages (high temp and
high humidity).

We have set up a 4-square on 40m this year in addition to the existing 20-m
high 2el yagi, hoping that it could help us improving our score on that band.
This new antenna was made using 4 Dx-Wire fiberglass masts and a home made
Collins hybrid phasing system (F1HAR, F5HRY). The dummy load was built with a
50-ohm non-inductive resistor designed to support 1kW when immersed into an oil
bath. Unfortunately, we didn't find any non-conductive oil in Kourou and we
tried to substitute it with some Demineralised Water. SWR was not perfect on 40
but it was just enough to do the job! This new antenna enabled us to increase
worked Q and DXCC, compared to 2006.

As usual, we installed 6 beverage receiving antennas which worked as great, as
expected. The lowest point is actually to being able to localize the ground
rods because of the dense vegetation which covers them now. In addition, the
tropical rains caused a driving in the ground of the rods. Despite of the help
of a GPS, it is necessary to clean out the area where the rod is supposed to be
with a machete, and to carefully look around for something which could be the
ground rod!

In spite of lots of efforts in filtering (RX and TX filters, stubs), we
suffered some inter-band interferences which handicaped the runners in their

It was necessary to be attentive to the band openings, especially for the very
capricious 10. The main band was 15, on which we achieved third of the total Q
and the best rates (6 hrs over 250 Q/hr).

We finally achieved more Q, but less mults, than 2006. The overall claimed
score is a bit lower than last year, and is under the amazing score of CN3A!
Congrats, guys!

Thanks everybody for calls and points, and CU next year!

73 from all the FY5KE contest team.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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