webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Nov 25 21:46:38 EST 2007

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Call: K5ZD
Operator(s): K5ZD
Station: K5ZD

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 43
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:  225    18       69
   80:  642    25      101
   40:  775    30      115
   20: 1301    31      118
   15:  506    24      100
   10:   29    11       20
Total: 3478   139      523  Total Score = 6,574,984

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


Whew, that was harder than I expected.  We are at the bottom of the cycle, but
the the Phone contest was so much fun that I expected even better conditions
for CW!  Great competition for SOAB HP USA this year.  Definitely provided the
motivation to keep pushing through the poor conditions.

The bands were either open with lots of activity or totally dead.  At one point
I tuned across 20m and found stations all the way up to 14140!  And who would
have expected 40m to be a daylight band?!  The 10m openings we short and
spotty.  Definitely a good weekend for doing SO2R in order to run and chase

Worked two JAs all weekend.  First one was on 80m. Second was on 20m on Sunday
afternoon.  Nice to see so many African stations and multipliers.

Wish people would send their calls.  I understand the tactical use of not
sending the call to run faster, but I would hear guys who had no one calling 
send TU then wait.  I spent a lot of time waiting for people to ID.  Not all of
us are using packet (and the guys who are should want to hear your call too!). 
Most annoying to have the guy finally send his call and it gets wiped out by
someone calling.

Thanks to everyone who participated in making this the best contest of the

          160M    80M    40M    20M    15M    10M   Total      %

    EU     149    510    615   1121    387      0    2782    80.0
    NA      60     82     72     85     49     14     362    10.4
    AS       1     10     20     27      3      0      61     1.8
    AF       9     16     26     34     27      2     114     3.3
    SA       4     15     27     29     32     12     119     3.4
    OC       2      9     15      5      8      1      40     1.2

Only out of the chair for 3 times.  Slept both nights so I would be ready for
the high rates during the day.


 Hour   160M     80M     40M     20M     15M     10M    Total     Cumm    Off

D1-00Z  --+--   24/24   63/47   --+--   --+--   --+--   87/71     87/71  
D1-01Z   1/2    33/19   29/25     -       -       -     63/46    150/117 
D1-02Z  23/19   33/5      -       -       -       -     56/24    206/141 
D1-03Z  14/15   20/5      -      6/7      -       -     40/27    246/168 
D1-04Z    -     34/14   16/9      -       -       -     50/23    296/191 
D1-05Z  47/16   21/2     2/2      -       -       -     70/20    366/211 
D1-06Z  64/10   26/5      -       -       -       -     90/15    456/226 
D1-07Z  11/7    69/6      -      2/2      -       -     82/15    538/241 
D1-08Z   1/0    44/5    12/8    --+--   --+--   --+--   57/13    595/254 
D1-09Z    -     17/9     8/3      -       -       -     25/12    620/266    16
D1-10Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     620/266    60
D1-11Z   1/0     3/2     8/5    12/13     -       -     24/20    644/286    28
D1-12Z    -       -      3/3   135/33     -       -    138/36    782/322 
D1-13Z    -       -       -    139/10   23/33     -    162/43    944/365 
D1-14Z    -       -       -     42/5    98/26     -    140/31   1084/396 
D1-15Z    -       -       -     67/10   89/8      -    156/18   1240/414 
D1-16Z  --+--   --+--   --+--  171/6    12/10   --+--  183/16   1423/430 
D1-17Z    -       -       -    110/3    15/9      -    125/12   1548/442 
D1-18Z    -       -       -     55/7    15/12    1/2    71/21   1619/463 
D1-19Z    -       -     28/6    35/21    2/1      -     65/28   1684/491 
D1-20Z    -       -    141/6      -      4/1     5/10  150/17   1834/508 
D1-21Z    -       -    117/4     1/2      -      4/5   122/11   1956/519 
D1-22Z    -       -     90/4     6/4      -       -     96/8    2052/527 
D1-23Z    -     31/3    32/2     2/2      -       -     65/7    2117/534 
D2-00Z  --+--   45/4    13/2    --+--   --+--   --+--   58/6    2175/540 
D2-01Z   7/5    16/3     1/0      -       -       -     24/8    2199/548   24
D2-02Z  10/3    29/3    15/5      -       -       -     54/11   2253/559 
D2-03Z  10/4    32/2     1/0     1/0      -       -     44/6    2297/565 
D2-04Z   8/2    34/3      -       -       -       -     42/5    2339/570 
D2-05Z   4/0    13/1    20/1      -       -       -     37/2    2376/572 
D2-06Z   3/1    59/0     2/0      -       -       -     64/1    2440/573 
D2-07Z  16/2    14/6     1/0      -       -       -     31/8    2471/581 
D2-08Z  --+--    5/1     1/0    --+--   --+--   --+--    6/1    2477/582    48
D2-09Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2477/582    60
D2-10Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2477/582    60
D2-11Z    -      4/3     8/5     1/0      -       -     13/8    2490/590    24
D2-12Z    -       -       -    125/4     3/2      -    128/6    2618/596 
D2-13Z    -       -       -    122/0    35/5      -    157/5    2775/601 
D2-14Z    -       -       -     11/3   118/6     4/5   133/14   2908/615 
D2-15Z    -       -       -      3/0    61/4     8/6    72/10   2980/625 
D2-16Z  --+--   --+--   --+--  114/3    13/1     4/3   131/7    3111/632 
D2-17Z    -       -       -     78/0     5/2     3/0    86/2    3197/634 
D2-18Z    -       -       -     39/6     6/1      -     45/7    3242/641 
D2-19Z    -       -     43/2     1/0     3/0      -     47/2    3289/643 
D2-20Z    -       -     28/6    11/3     4/3      -     43/12   3332/655 
D2-21Z    -       -     40/0     6/1      -       -     46/1    3378/656 
D2-22Z    -       -     52/0     5/4      -       -     57/4    3435/660 
D2-23Z   5/1    36/1     1/0     1/0      -       -     43/2    3478/662 

Total: 225/87  642/126 775/145 1301/149 506/124 29/31 

Best 30 minutes: 104 QSOs
Best 60 minutes: 187 QSOs

Worked 10 stations on 6 bands (a real accomplishment with 10m so poor):
3X5A  HC8N   HI3A   J3A   KP2M   PJ2T   PJ4A   VC3J   VP5W   ZF1A

Would be interested in comments from anyone who listened in to the audio

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