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Sun Nov 25 23:49:30 EST 2007
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW
Call: W0ETT
Operator(s): W0ETT
Station: W0ETT
Class: SOAB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 31
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 37 9 14
80: 57 14 28
40: 90 22 50
20: 264 27 86
15: 78 18 43
10: 5 3 3
Total: 531 93 224 Total Score = 433,022
Club: Grand Mesa Contesters of Colorado
Great contest as always with lots of dx and variety of interesting band
conditions at the low end of the sunspot cycled. Many thanks to all the
Carribean, AF, Central AM, SA, PAC, and Asian expeditioneers, and the dx home
ops who got on for a fun weekend!
Most ops were good about following contest calling procedures. But, it seems
to me that there's a growing problem of people who insist on calling a dx
station again and again AFTER he has stated he wants the K4, the TT, or the
some other partial call. I had more nitwits jump in repeatedly after the dx
identified "W0E?" and he wanted to fill in the callsign before giving the
exchange. Of course, their callsign were nothing similar to W0E.. but they
ended up causing qRM and slowing down things for all. This occurred to me and
many others often throughout the contest. In five or six instances, the dx
stations got mad and stopped QSOing until the callers stopped qRMing. Where's
the OLD MAN's Wolf Hong (sp?) when you need it?? Maybe some kind of CONTEST
PROCEDURAL CODE needs to be refreshed in everyone's memory - I seem to remember
reading one years ago perhaps in NCJ.
Given the band condx, I have to say that running 100w (my preferred power level
due to neighbors' TV sets) - doing S&P for all but a handful of Qs made thru
cqing - made it like work at times. After 31 hours I was beat feeling like I
had been on dxpedition like Phil N0KE and the other Colorado ops at TI5N but
only had 531 Qs to show for it! 20m was the place to be for most of the
contest as usual; it was especially interesting with the auroral noise on
signals Saturday morning working EU. Had some good fun on low bands with the
lower noise this time of year, working 57 stations in 28 dx countries on 80m.
Heard an outstanding 80m contact made between great ops at EF8M and E51A - got
to be one heck of a long haul! Made 37 Qs in 14 dxcc on 160m including CN2FF
and CN2R at grey line; heard OH2BH at CU2A but too much QRM to get thru. The
CN2R was a special challenge for me as there was a W6... who kept calling him
on top of his freq for nearly 30 minutes who never got thru. Other stations
calling the CN had to work through him to make a Q. Sunday morning on 80, I
managed to work a VK and ZL after working a dozen EU stations the previous
evening at their grey line giving me some new countries on 80m.
Nice to hear/work GMCCers on for the test: TI5N with N0KE and K8FC, K0RF with
KO7X handling duties on 10m, K0UK, K0FX, N0SXX, K6XT, KJ0G, W0RAA, and KV0K.
Sorry if I missed listing anyone. Heard exGMCCers N2IC on 160, and Doug K0LY
(ex W0AH) in SC on 20 and 80m.
Darn, now we have to wait a whole year for the next CQ WW DX test...
73 Ken, W0ETT
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