[3830] RES: CQWW SSB 6Y1V M/M HP

py5eg py5eg at iesa.com.br
Mon Oct 29 07:54:57 EST 2007

Great effort David

Atilano de Oms
py5eg at iesa.com.br

-----Mensagem original-----
De: 3830-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:3830-bounces at contesting.com]Em
nome de webform at b4h.net
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 29 de outubro de 2007 10:37
Para: 3830 at contesting.com; david at 6y1v.com
Assunto: [3830] CQWW SSB 6Y1V M/M HP

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB

Call: 6Y1V
Operator(s): KY1V, CT1ILT, LU9ESD, W1VE, W2GB
Station: 6Y1V

Class: M/M HP
QTH: Hopewell, Jamaica
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band  QSOs   Zones  Countries
  160:   294    16       46
   80:  1179    22       78
   40:  2241    29      106
   20:  3077    33      121
   15:  3201    33      124
   10:  1404    18       46
Total: 11396   151      521  Total Score = 17,916,192



I would like to thank our team of excellent ops (W2GB Steve, W1VE Gerry, CT1ILT
Filipe, LU9ESD Manu) for making the journey to Jamaica for CQWW. A special
thanks for our Young Ham Contest Program winner Manu, LU9ESD, who is an
incredible SSB contester (now, if we can just get him to master cw). 

Another special thanks goes to Stacy (my wife) and Anna (Steve's wife) for all
their hard work, preparing food, drinks, transportation and more!

I would also like to express my sorrow for Robert, W5AJ, who was unable to make
it due to illness. You were missed!

Still experiencing growing pains, we were not without problems. When we arrived
on the island we discovered many issues. We came prepared to fix the top ring
rotor with 2 spare motors, gear boxes and sprockets. Manu (LU9ESD) was a real
trooper spending long hours (some in the rain) on the top of the 140' tower
fixing the ring rotor. Although it was repaired, the feedback indicator never
provided true bearing information making it difficult to know exactly where it
was pointed. To add insult to injury, the bottom ring stopped working with the
antenna fixed at 23 degrees (could have been worse!).

There was no Internet service when we arrived. We also lost a computer and had
to buy a new one ($58,000 JM). Despite repeated calls and a visit to the
Internet office in Mo'Bay, they never fixed our Internet connection until
Saturday evening. Combined with two bad CT-17's and no working serial cables,
we were without any rig control or packet. We finally got packet working late
Saturday evening. This is evident by our low number of multipliers.

Despite the station issues and the loss of W5AJ, we had 5 good ops and three
working stations so it was decided we would maximize our fun and operate M/M. I
must say this was a bold move because the station was designed for M/S or M/2
and we had only 5 ops!

We got off to a great start. With three stations running all night, I woke to
find we had nearly 4 million points in less than 12 hours. We were having fun!

Early Saturday afternoon, we had nearly 8 million points when disaster struck.
We lost an IC-7800. Poof! It just shut down and never came back on. Back to
Icom for repair! We moved on, with only two radios. Too bad we couldn't switch
back to M/2.

Mid morning Sunday, we were blessed with a TS-870 loaned by 6Y5GC. After having
only 2 rigs and no Internet for half the contest, we were back in business.

A fantastic time was had by all. The stacks on 10/15/20 worked incredibly well.
I only wish they were on separate towers as there is some interference between
10 and 15 meters and it would be helpful to point them in different

Thank you to everyone who put us in their logs! We appreciate the contact!

Please take a moment to visit the 6Y1V website (www.6y1v.com) and if you know a
young ham or someone who knows a young ham 21 or younger, tell them about the
Young Ham Contest Program so we can make their dream come true!


David ~ 6Y1V/KY1V

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