webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Tue Oct 30 10:47:58 EST 2007

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB

Call: K5TR
Operator(s): N6MJ
Station: K5TR

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 47
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:   19     9       15
   80:  141    19       53
   40:  363    28       79
   20:  498    26       90
   15: 1317    32      111
   10:  125    14       42
Total: 2463   128      390  Total Score = 3,014,760



Thanks to K5TR for the use of his station.  He has a fantastic location and a
great setup.  We had a few visits from murphy during the contest, but in the
end everything worked out well.  

This was my first time operating any CQWW as a single op, so it was a learning
experience.  I think I did ok, but need to work on doing a better job on
multipliers.  I felt like I spent a lot of time doing S&P on 20, but still only
came up with 26 zones and 90 countries.  Thats not nearly enough.  15M was
always the better run band, but in retrospect I should have spent some more
time CQing on 20 to pick up a few more mults. 

I decided to try doing 48 hours if I could, but it didnt happen.  I had to get
up at 4am friday morning to catch a flight to Austin TX, so I only had about 5
hours sleep.  I wasnt able to take a nap before the contest started, so I was
tired from the beginning.  The first night was easy because of all the
adrenaline I had going.  The 2nd night I started to crash hard.  I kept
slugging it out on the low bands because I was picking up some good mults. 
Finally around 09z I had to lay down for an hour.  An hour wasnt nearly enough.
 The hallucinations really set in sunday morning.  I couldnt concentrate
anymore.  I was so tired that I wasnt able to do SO2R anymore.  I kept falling
asleep at the radio.  Towards the end of the contest I couldnt even remember
what my call was.  If I were to do it again I will probably sleep atleast 3
hours sunday night.  

George was a great host and I am glad I made the trip.

73, Dan N6MJ

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