[3830] MiQP W3USA Mobile Multi-Op LP

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Thu Apr 24 16:15:15 EDT 2008

                    Michigan QSO Party

Call: W3USA
Operator(s): K8MR, AC8E
Station: W3USA

Class: Mobile Multi-Op LP
QTH: 24 Counties
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
   80:  121     43
   40:  431     91
   20:  136     20
   15:    1      1
   10:    0      0
Total:  689    155  CW Mults = 62  Ph Mults = 56  Total Score = 180,894

Club: Mad River Radio Club


W3USA/M 2008 Michigan QSO Party, In order of appearance:

       CW   SSB
TUSC   25    1
SAGI   30    2
BAY    30    7
MIDL   25    2
ISAB   31    6
CLAR   28    7
GLAD   28    8
AREN   28    7
OGEM   31    4
OSCO   28    6
CRAW   32   29
ROSC   41    8
KALK   18    6
MISS   17   13
WEXF   28    5
OSCE   31    4
LAKE   28    7
NEWA   38    0
MECO   34   11
MCLM   47   14
KENT   16    6
GRAT   22    2
CLIN   37    0
SHIA   17    0

Mults: CW   SSB
S/P    41    34
Ctys   21    22

If you can't have sunspots, at least have a low K/A index! This was my biggest
MiQP score since 2004, and the third overall of 9 going back to 2000. Only 2003
and 2004 were higher.

The route was much the same as last year, though some of the details changed.
My usual driver Jim, W8DRZ, was recovering from a cataract operation, so I
recruited John, AC8E, as the designated driver. The 12 year old minivan which
gets 21 mpg was replaced by my 2007 Honda Fit, which gets 35+. So N9NE (in his
Yaris) and I competed for the qsos/car size award. Fittingly, my last qso was
with Todd, our only one of the day. And once again we did the whole trip in one
day, leaving my house at 6:30 am and arriving back at John's at 3:45 am. My back
is still recovering.

Knowing that N8MR was to be out mobile, I decided that one Eight Mike Radio
Mobile was enough, so I used the W3USA club call. It worked out fine, even
being out of the normal call area.

QSOs of note:

OM2VL who moved my from CW to SSB not only on 20 meters, but on 40 as well. We
completed several 40 meter SSB qsos, simplex around 7190.  If your state qso
party hasn't moved its 40 meter phone frequency down since the phone bands
expanded, you ought to.  It's easier for a mobile to hit both modes, and there
are Europeans out there to work as well. 

My 15 meter qsos were with K8EO as I passed though his home county, Gladwin. I
called him on 2 meter FM, and we qsy'd to the easiest quiet band for a double

Best timing award:  While stopped at an isolated place in Oscoda county, I
decided to relieve myself outside the car during a slow period on 20 CW. Of
course once I got going, who else calls in but N4 Be Pee.

Thanks to all who followed us around and called in.  See you all in Dayton, and
in the Ohio QSO Party on August 23.

73  -  Jim  K8MR

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