[3830] NAQP CW N2IC Single Op LP

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Sun Aug 3 09:39:17 EDT 2008

                    North American QSO Party, CW

Call: N2IC
Operator(s): N2IC
Station: N2IC

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: New Mexico
Operating Time (hrs): 10
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   19    11
   80:   87    30
   40:  282    49
   20:  327    54
   15:  260    51
   10:  144    34
Total: 1119   229  Total Score = 256,251


Team: Ski Bums #1


All that Sporadic E made 10 and 15 meters sound more like the January NAQP at
the sunspot maximum. Moving to the low bands brought me back down to the
reality of August. 80 and 160 were much poorer than last year, but was
surprised to work KL7RA on 80 while still daytime on his side. No local
thunderstorms, so I was able to choose my own off-times. Unfortunately, I think
I mismanaged that with OT's at 2101, 2316, 0143, and 0344Z. 20 meters never felt
right - there was either too much absorption, or all the activity was on a
different band. Lots of fun band-moves - nice to have multiple bands open at
once ! I need to work on promoting this contest in my own state - Only NM
station worked was K7IA, and missed NM on 80 and 160.

Was a little concerned that contesting-related conventions in the Pacific NW
and Central Texas would hurt activity, but didn't seem to matter ! Thanks for
everyone for the QSO's !

Steve, N2IC

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