[3830] NAQP SSB NX5M M/2 LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Aug 17 13:56:21 EDT 2008

                    North American QSO Party, SSB

Call: NX5M
Operator(s): NX5M, N5XJ, KU5B, AB5K, N5DUW, M0CLW
Station: NX5M

Class: M/2 LP
Operating Time (hrs): 11:40

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   17    10
   80:  123    38
   40:  904    58
   20: 1258    61
   15:   95    19
   10:   31     9
Total: 2428   195  Total Score = 473,460

Club: Central Texas DX and Contest Club



We were lucky in some respects and unlucky in others.  Luckily the storms that
sat less than a mile away all day never did really more over the top of us.  It
was a bit tense having this so close and as a precaution I just went ahead and
disconnected the 10 and 15 antennas once we were done on those bands.  This was
a mistake!  When we went back to 10, I simply connected the top antenna and used
that.  No low bands stuff was connected since I was unable to set this up the
day before as storms dictated the events of the day before as well.  This is
where the "unlucky" comes in.  When I went out to connect 80m stuff about
0245z, got back into the shack to find that the transmit antennas were not
working....the rx antennas were not working.  This kept us from going to 80
when we wanted to.  Problem ended up being a master relay so I had to settle
with using a simple inverted vee.  Problem with the rx antennas was a bad
jumper between the homebrew bandpass filter and the radio.  And then, radio 1
computer quit on us so we had to make some changes on the fly.  This cost us
some qsos of course but sometimes things just happen.  It is all part of it so
we just fix it and go on.
All in all, we ended up spending a lot less time on 80 and 160....not by choice
of course.
All of the regular NAQP ops were here: N5XJ, AB5K, KU5B.  N5DUW finally got a
chance to get away to do his first NAQP with us.  Simon, M0CLW came in from the
UK to get his first experience of a domestic contest.  
Of course as always, thanks to all the guys that move around the bands with us.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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