[3830] NA Sprint CW VE6EX HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Feb 3 12:28:05 EST 2008

                    NA Sprint CW Contest

Call: VE6EX
Operator(s): VE6EX
Station: VE6EX

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: Calgary AB
Operating Time (hrs): 4

 Band  QSOs  Op Time
   80:   48       1
   40:   79       2
   20:   51       1
Total:  178    Mults = 38  Total Score = 6,764




Hi All:
   A bit of a toughie to say the least!!! 
   80m was a treat(HI) with s9+30 noise so if I missed a call; thats the
answer!! I've done a few sprints in the past; ~3 or so and recall doing 200/220
q's on a random dipole/tuner and a Drake TR7 with sunspots. What a reality
wakeup HI. Welcome to the bottom of the cycle!!!
   Thanks Jerry, VE6CNU for 3q's. We were both on for the full 4hrs doing our
best to get AB on the band from the fringe area of the ALBERTA CLIPPER. Very
few 2q contacts and a million CQ's. Jerry and I did abt 300Q's total so a VE6
mult was there but you may have had to grind for it HI!!!

   VE6EX was: SO1R

   TS940s into a HB 3-500 amp @ ~500w (about all I can get away with) from
suburban Calgary feeding 2 el loop @60' and quarter slopers for 40/80.
   TRLOG, on board doing the hard part; still the best....That visual dupe ck
is a delight!!!
   Cheers, and onto the next,
   Dan, VE6EX..

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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