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Mon Feb 18 23:05:58 EST 2008

                    ARRL DX Contest, CW

Call: K1XM
Operator(s): KT1D, W1FJ, W1KM, W1UE, K1XM, K2TJ
Station: W1KM

Class: M/M HP
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:  369    71
   80: 1084    92
   40: 1396   109
   20: 1771   119
   15:  207    80
   10:   12     6
Total: 4839   477  Total Score = 6,924,609

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


Who needs sunspots?

160:  Orion, Acom 2000, 4-square
 80:  Flex 5000, FT-1000mp, Acom 2000, 4 square
 40:  FT-1000mp, AL-1200, 4 sq, 3 el (120')
 20:  FT-1000mp, Titan 422, 4/4/4(130'), 5 el (90')
 15:  Orion, AL-1200, 6/4/4 (100'), 4 el (60')
 10:  Shared with 160, 4/4/4 (90')

KT1D and K2TJ took care of 160 and 10.  160 was great,
10 was not so good.  Believe it or not there was some
overlap time in the evening - they had to leave 160 to
go back to 10 to work VP6DX.

K1XM was the main 80 meter operator.  Conditions were
pretty good.

W1UE (ex-NB1B) handled 40.  The band opened early to
Europe and stayed open late, especially Saturday morning.
During the night the MUF seemed to drop below 40 for a
while.  Friday night 80 caught up to 40 for a while but
when the sun came up in Europe 40 took back the lead.

W1FJ fought it out on 20.  This year 20 was a daytime
band.  We had operators check it at night but all they
could hear were the harmonics of 40 and 80.

W1KM practically performed a mind meld with the 15
meter radio - he was listening real hard.  But there
just wasn't much there.

With six ops and five radios all of us got to operate
on several bands and several radios.  And with so few
bands open most of the time we all got a bit of sleep

We had only minor problems.  80 couldn't use the
beverage antennas Friday night.  The SWR on the 20
meter stack was high.

The Flex 5000 held up well on 80.  We swapped it out when
we were troubleshooting the beverage problem and we didn't
have time to swap it back in when we found out what was
going on.  The software isn't quite contest-friendly yet
but I expect that to happen in time.

There were jokers on packet and on the air.  We
were "self-spotted" by someone who bootlegged my
call on packet.  Al was called by BY1LZ, who gave him
500 250 at a time when 20 was open to China.

Real-time scoring is a lot of fun.  We watched NQ4I
get ahead of us for a while Friday night.  We saw
W2FU doing an incredible job of keeping up with us
on 80 through Saturday morning.  It definitely added to
our motivation.  I think it is time for the top tier
multi-multi stations to post their scores so we can
watch them too.

Overall this contest was a blast - even more fun than
I thought it would be.  Couldn't we reinstate the second
weekend - just this once?

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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