[3830] CQ160 SSB K3ZM Single Op HP

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Mon Feb 25 11:04:57 EST 2008

                    CQ 160-Meter Contest, SSB

Call: K3ZM
Operator(s): K3ZM
Station: K3ZM

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 28

Total:  QSOs = 1140  State/Prov = 58  Countries = 53  Total Score = 397,491



Early in the contest, I heard N4PN (very loud) and K1LZ (running like mad) and
figured my 160 meter goose was cooked.  Kept at it and tried to emulate W4MYA
with some plain old perseverance.  I am lucky Paul was operating from a city
lot instead of the Death Star.  But the LZ guys DEMolished me.

This contest is hard!  I spent much of the weekend looking longingly at the
button for the 250hz filters.  Often, I had to retreat to the frontier above
1900 to try and attract EU's that I could copy.  Two different US stations up
there kindly agreed to my request to slide up a tiny bit further into the
neutral zone so I could copy EU - thank you!  That was gracious.

Had some QRN on Friday night, but less so on Saturday night.  Rates started out
very high the first two hours, then nosedived.  When I went to bed Saturday
morning, I had only about 670 contacts and figured I was toast, but I kept
setting little goals to keep myself going.  At times, it was brutal trying to
copy through the QRM, especially when digging out EU stations.

I was flattered to be called by many contest champions, including (that I can
think of) W2GD, K5ZD, K1IR, NP4A, K1ZM and, of course, my other brother K2DM. 
Also, many friends from EU, some with quite powerful stations.  Nice to see
WB9Z still flying.

Special thanks to W3DQ for calling in with DC again.  You're the man!  Also
VE4TV (formidable, mon ami!).  I'm grateful to VY2SS for supplying me and
others with PEI in Jeff's absence.  Thank you!

Was nice to get called by PJ2DX toward the end of the contest to supply a final

Missed WY and the usual rare VE territories.  Was glad for the VE4, actually. 
Did not work anything in the Pacific.  Thanks to KL7RA, CX6VM, and many


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