[3830] CQ160 SSB VE3AP(LU7DW) Single Op HP

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Mon Feb 25 16:54:11 EST 2008

                    CQ 160-Meter Contest, SSB

Call: VE3AP
Operator(s): LU7DW
Station: VE3RM

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: FN35pn
Operating Time (hrs): 18

Total:  QSOs = 788  State/Prov = 57  Countries = 25  Total Score = 318,324



Equipment Description: Yaesu FT-2000, Alpha 87A, Dipole 1/2 wave @ 20 meter, T
w/4 radials

There were some problem before start, because Friday afternoon in my way to
VE3RM, I was stopped in a light red signal, and another car hit hard on the
back of mine (he couldn't stop in a very icy road), btw between got the police,
the tow truck, papers, etc, I've arrived almost three hours later to Don's and
I've started the contest very late, with the band full of signal. Without any
RX antenna (we lost the beverage some days before WPX RTTY) , it is very
difficult get the weak signals in a band very noisy and crowded like this

On Saturday together with VE3OKK we tried to set a beverage, but with 80 cm of
snow on the floor we couldn't install the 170 meter long beverage because of
difficult access and frozen snow/ground; we'd tried with a beverage of 90 meter
long, but it was too short for 160. 

I quit Sunday early in the morning, very tired and frustrated. Unfortunatly 160
isn't any more "the gentleman band" as used to be.

I hope to work all of you next weekend in ARRL SSB from VE3RM, we will be in MS
"teaching-learning" category with some new hams.

73, Claudio VE3AP-LU7DW-VE2DWA

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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