[3830] ARRL Jan VHF VE3CVG Single Op LP

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Mon Jan 21 20:10:19 EST 2008

                    ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes

Call: VE3CVG
Operator(s): VE3CVG
Station: VE3CVG

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 13

 Band  QSOs  Mults
    6:  24      5
    2:  30      6
  222:   8      3
  432:  24      5
  903:   1      1
  1.2:   4      2
Total:  91     22  Total Score = 3,036

Club: Contest Club Ontario


Well this will go into the record books as the worst. The bands were in very bad
shape throughout the weekend with poor propagation beyond adjacent grid squares.
Many frustratingly short flutters on 6m with 4 or 5 clear words and then they
were gone. Local noise level was horrible on 6m and 2m. 903MHz was wiped out by
(smart) power meters. Quite a few locals turned out, thankyou very much. Several
of the local "big guys" were away or sick. No local rovers for first time in a
long time. VE3LCA (aka VE3BSB) is a new big guy on 6m through 70cm + 23cm ...
welcome to the fun Barry. Also new on 1296 was VE3AV (Dave). Several other new
guys were heard. Highlights included contact with Chip W1AIM in FN34 and 1296
contact with Doug VE3XK in FN15, abt 60km - he was using 1w. Also Dave VE3AAQ
on 1296 using his 432MHz antenna. The very many nice chats, too many to
mention, turned an otherwise poor contest into a pleasant event. cu in June.
73. Rick (VE3CVG)

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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