[3830] NAQP SSB NN4F Single Op LP

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Tue Jan 22 08:46:09 EST 2008

                    North American QSO Party, SSB

Call: NN4F
Operator(s): NN4F
Station: NN4F

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 3.5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:    8     6
   80:  109    30
   40:    8     8
Total:  125    44  Total Score = 5,500

Club: South East Contest Club

Team: SECC #2


Well I knew I was going to have a late start due to running a VE session at 1pm,
headed home after that and got to the QTH with 10 hrs left to operate, on
arrival home, no power... turns out that in the heavy rain we were having
someone left the road and took down a power pole abour 3 miles up the road.
Power company finally got a new pole up and restored power with about 3 1/2
hours left, didn't want to let the team down, so made the best of the worst
band conditions. 40 was almost unusable, 80 was just as bad, we had a severe
thunderstorm sitting about 15 miles off the coast and that was producing static
crashes at s9+40, so thanks a bunch to all that hung in with the say agains...

Paul - NN4F  - SECC Team #3
FT1000MP MkV 100watts
160m Dipole, 80M Inverted V, 40M vertical
80m Recieve loop

Ridgeville, SC

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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