[3830] CQ160 CW W7SNH(@N9ADG) Multi-Op HP

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Mon Jan 28 00:29:25 EST 2008

                    CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW

Call: W7SNH
Operator(s): W7SNH N9ADG
Station: N9ADG

Class: Multi-Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 

Total:  QSOs = 654  State/Prov = 54  Countries = 32  Total Score = 143,190

Club: Western Washington DX Club


It was great to try this one as a Multi -- W7SNH joined me for this one. It was
his first time using N1MM, or *ANY* electronic logging. If you heard anything
amiss with wrong messages being sent, etc. it was him for sure. Really. (Yeah,

I think this was a good 'trainer' on the nature of 160m for him -- On the first
night, the conditions from the PNW to EU and Carribean were almost magical. I
had to explain a bunch of times that it's not usually that easy to HEAR EU
during a contest, let alone work any (they seemed to be coming in more easterly
than northerly). We worked a handful there, then some South American stations
(Op1: "Did you work the 5K?" Op2: "You mean the HK." Op1: "He was 5K when I
worked him"). JA's started pounding in (worked a bunch), then we heard 3W3W
(Check out the audio on http://www.n9adg.com/audio/3W3W.mp3), some whispers of
VR2 and 6M, but no Q.

The second night was completely different. Snow squalls, high noise levels,
lack of 'new stations' to work, etc. He had a more realistic picture after THAT
experience. Those 8 rate hours are character building for sure.

I think two teams of two each for a multi might be ideal -- one person to run,
one to coordinate mults and 'enforce' goals, with the ability to mix it up.
Folks might even get to sleep a little. Sounds like something to put together
for next year.

Things we could have done better include: Not completely stopping for dinner
(long story) on Saturday night; Having (at least) one more op; More beverage
directions, more radials. If not more ops, then maybe just more liquid

It was great to hear a bunch of Pacific NW Ops 'stop by' for a Q; Also, Joe,
W7QN (see his 3830 posting) is modest beyond belief -- He's in retirement
housing, on the 10th floor, using a mobile antenna on his balcony, and RUNNING
on 160m. You have to admire that spirit and drive.  I can only wonder what the
'real stories' of 160m are that the other 3830 writeups only hint at -- 160m is
all about making whatever you have work, and hoping that nature will favor you. 

Also, sitting with someone and 'explaining' various things during the contest,
I realize that over the last five years (my first 160m Q was 03/29/03) that
even though I haven't met many 160m folks in person, I know them through 160m.
Hearing only the last two letters of a call going down the band during S&P,
using the speed, and loudness of the signal, I can guess with alarming accuracy
the letters I've missed.  Recognizing those guys with the state-abbreviation
call that aren't in that state. Who to look for when I need RI or DC, or even
NFL. Muttering "There's George", or "Wonder if Tree's going to get them", or
"always good to work Jerry". I must be a little nuts to be doing this (my wife
certainly thinks so).

Thanks for 'being' 160m. Thanks for the contacts, and thanks for your
"gentleman's band" courtesy.
Brian N9ADG

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