[3830] Commonwealth GB5CC(GM3WOJ) Open HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Mon Mar 10 09:55:15 EDT 2008

                    RSGB Commonwealth Contest, CW

Call: GB5CC
Operator(s): GM3WOJ
Station: GM3WOJ

Class: Open HP
QTH: Invergordon
Operating Time (hrs): 22

 Band  QSOs
   80:  150
   40:  215
   20:  203
   15:   72
   10:    5
Total:  645  Total Score = 7,145



It's always great fun being a 'mult' in any contest. The exotic DX often
calls you instead of you always having to go looking for it. After the dreadful
conditions of the previous weekend, I found propagation better than my (very
low) expectations until about 0600 on Sunday, when things fizzled out a bit.
20m long-path to VK/ZL on Saturday afternoon was a real surprise and the 40m
long-path was quite good too. Unfortunately activity was quite low even though
the bands were open.

GB5CC made 655 QSOs (645 scoring QSOs) for a claimed score of 7145 pts
(Win-Test 3.19.0 is great software but it does not have a clue how to score a
BERU 'HQ' entry which is not surprising) Worked 395 UK QSOs (365 x G, 28 x M, 2
x 2E) = 60% of total QSOs. GM4FAM, GM0GAV, G3BJ and G4TSH were the only stations
worked on all 5 bands.

GB5CC worked 43 Commonwealth call areas :

QSO breakdown 119 VE,38 VK,15 ZL,13 ZS, 9 VU (great to see the activity from ZS
which was non-existent 10 years ago)

FT-1000MP + TS-850 + amps
80m   Vertical + 2 elevated radials + Inv vee at 60'
40m   2ele monoband yagi at 60' + vertical
20m   5ele monoband yagi at 80'
15m   2ele monoband yagi at 40'
10m   4ele monoband yagi at 30'

Thanks to everyone for the QSOs and thanks to those who went on DXpeditions
for BERU 2008. Let's hope DX propagation is better for BERU 2009.


Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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