[3830] CQ 160 SSB WO9S Single Op HP

Jonathan L. Rosner rosner at bquark.uchicago.edu
Sun Mar 23 12:29:39 EDT 2008

 		CQ 160-Meter Contest Phone - 2008

 		Call:  WO9S		State:  IL
 		Mode:  SSB		Category: SO HP

                 97 QSOs		236	QSO points
 		x	37	Multipliers
 		=	8732	Claimed score

Station Description: 	FT990, QRO 2500DX loafing at 500 watts
 			Antennas: 1/4-wave sloper, fixed RX loop NE-SW

Operators:  WO9S

Club competion: Society of Midwest Contesters

An hour and a half Sunday morning and a half hour at the end

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated my transmitter 
within the limitations of my license and have observed fully the rules and 
regulations of the contest.

 	Jonathan L. Rosner   WO9S

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