[3830] WPX SSB KD4D(@N3HBX) M/2 HP

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Mon Mar 31 12:33:58 EDT 2008

                    CQWW WPX Contest, SSB

Call: KD4D
Operator(s): NI1N, K3MIM, N3HBX, NA3D, KD4D, AC6WI, N6CY
Station: N3HBX

Class: M/2 HP
QTH: Poolesville, MD
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band  QSOs
  160:   75
   80:  837
   40: 1588
   20: 1633
   15:  154
   10:    0
Total: 4287  Prefixes = 1124  Total Score = 11,417,592

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


As usual, thanks to John Evans, N3HBX, for letting us invade the "farm" for the
weekend.  He had everything working before the start of the contest...amazing. 
As of Saturday morning, we hadn't broken anything either.

Well, THAT was a long weekend!  We had one tower start rotating on its own but
managed to stop it before it caused much damage.  This was late during the day
Saturday and was the 20 meter tower so it didn't hurt us too much.  John
repaired it Sunday morning!

The highlights for me were working my first YJ8 (Thanks, YJ8TZ) on 40 after our
sunrise, a 105 hour on 40 SSB, and getting the last ten rate over 220 on 40 for
a few minutes on Saturday evening!  40 was very good for a few hours around
sunset on Saturday.  We stuck to our strategy of TRYING to run Europe on the
low bands to maximize our six point QSO's, probably sacrificing a few too many
USA one-pointers.

15 never really opened so we spent most of the day Saturday and Sunday running
US and Canadian stations.

I'm pleased to have scored about what we did last year since I think conditions
were a bit worse.  Congratulations to NQ4I for an AMAZING QSO total on 20

See you in the CW contest.

                              Continent Statistics
    KD4D   CQ WORLD WIDE PREFIX CONTEST    Multi Two     30 Mar 2008  2358z

                 160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America   SSB   73  596 1217  823   49    0 2758    62.9
South America   SSB    2   21   45   54   89    0  211     4.8
Europe          SSB    0  217  275  726    8    0 1226    28.0
Asia            SSB    0    4   10   30    0    0   44     1.0
Africa          SSB    0    9   14   19    9    0   51     1.2
Oceania         SSB    0    8   74   10    1    0   93     2.1

HOUR      160      80       40       20       15       10    HR 
   0    .....    56/40    54/42    19/18    .....    .....   129
   1      .      88/48    88/31      .        .        .     176
   2      .      39/14   105/38      .        .        .     144
   3      .      38/13    55/26      .        .        .      93
   4    25/4     43/18    18/10      .        .        .      86
   5    22/6     55/20    12/9       .        .        .      89
   6      .      43/9     15/11      .        .        .      58
   7      .      20/9     42/12      .        .        .      62
   8    .....    24/5     23/8     .....    .....    .....    47
   9      .      19/5     11/2       .        .        .      30
  10      .      28/5      5/2       .        .        .      33
  11      .       5/2     32/3     18/11      .        .      55
  12      .        .      48/12    51/32      .        .      99
  13      .        .      55/8     40/18      .        .      95
  14      .        .      38/8     70/17    13/2       .     121
  15      .        .      28/5     66/19    12/6       .     106
  16    .....    .....    37/2     99/35     6/3     .....   142
  17      .        .      42/2     71/27    20/7       .     133
  18      .        .      17/1     65/24    35/14      .     117
  19      .        .      40/3     67/29    13/6       .     120
  20      .        .      29/1     81/28    17/6       .     127
  21      .        .      44/2    104/23      .        .     148
  22      .        .      54/11    63/19      .        .     117
  23      .        .      73/13    70/11      .        .     143
   0    .....    25/7     69/18    25/3     .....    .....   119
   1      .      98/9     42/8       .        .        .     140
   2      .      52/6     33/6       .        .        .      85
   3     9/1     48/8     14/2       .        .        .      71
   4    19/0     47/5      1/0       .        .        .      67
   5      .      43/8     18/3       .        .        .      61
   6      .      29/8     14/1       .        .        .      43
   7      .      11/2     17/3       .        .        .      28
   8    .....    10/0     20/1     .....    .....    .....    30
   9      .       7/2     12/3       .        .        .      19
  10      .       9/1      5/0      1/0       .        .      15
  11      .        .      17/1     13/7       .        .      30
  12      .        .      30/4     79/41      .        .     109
  13      .        .      32/3     77/19      .        .     109
  14      .        .      15/2     43/8      9/3       .      67
  15      .        .      45/3     66/14      .        .     111
  16    .....    .....    37/2     48/8     .....    .....    85
  17      .        .       4/0     72/6     15/2       .      91
  18      .        .      37/5     64/9      4/1       .     105
  19      .        .      28/2     68/14     5/1       .     101
  20      .        .      37/4     48/8       .        .      85
  21      .        .      24/0     72/14     5/2       .     101
  22      .        .      32/1     33/4       .        .      65
  23      .        .      40/2     40/14      .        .      80
DAY1    47/10   458/188  965/262  884/311  116/44    .....    ..
DAY2    28/1    379/56   623/74   749/169   38/9       .        
TOT     75/11   837/244 1588/336 1633/480  154/53      .

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