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Mon Mar 31 18:19:24 EDT 2008

                    CQWW WPX Contest, SSB

Call: N6WG
Operator(s): N6WG
Station: N6WG

QTH: Newark CA
Operating Time (hrs): 30

 Band  QSOs
  160:    2
   80:   39
   40:   40
   20:  100
   15:   23
   10:    5
Total:  209  Prefixes = 132  Total Score = 44,088

Club: Northern California Contest Club


This outing was a real challenge.  I had hoped from some help
from the few sunspots that have shown up, but it was not to be.
The whole weekend was a struggle for QSOs that in the past I
have made easily.  Just brings home how much we depend on good
propagation conditions for any kind of useful score.

In spite of poor conditions, at least for me, I added one new
country to my bag, CN2R in Morocco.  On the other hand, the
expected opening to JA never occurred, so I wound up with only
two JA calls in my log.

Friday night was my most productive period, as I managed at least
10 QSOs every hour for the first 7 hours.  Then I went QRT for
some sleep.  Got up early Saturday morning and proved to myself
that the early hours are not productive, so slept in Sunday

After working up my score, I was happy to find I doubled my score
from last year almost exactly, 44088 vs 22442 points.  I only
managed 30 hours in the chair, because I had to take some unplanned
breaks along the way.

Besides the poor propagation conditions, my other complaint was the
number of stations with seriously over-processed audio.  Some were
so badly distorted that I didn't waste time trying to understand
them but just moved on to seek other QSOs.

I'm just glad this one is over.  Now we can get back to cw
contesting :-)

My thanks to all those patient souls who stuck with me through
many repeats until we completed our QSOs successfully.

73, Bob N6WG
The Little Station with Attitude

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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