[3830] NCCC Sprint K6VVA LP

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Fri May 23 00:21:04 EDT 2008

                    NCCC Sprint - May 23

Call: K6VVA
Operator(s): K6VVA
Station: K6VVA

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: RF Hole
Operating Time (hrs): .5
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:   5      2
   40:   7      3
   20:  22     12
Total:  34     17  Total Score = 608

Club: Northern California Contest Club


{SIGH} - Apparently most folks didn't read N6RO's memo/post about the NEW 2Khz
QSY Rule!

Except for 1 QLF, all my Q's were at least 2Khz apart.  However, it took
umpteen unanswered CQ's down around 038 and up at 047 before getting any
action.  I felt bad having to give ScottyMan/W7SW a 'SRI NIQ' on 047 and
Jim/N3BB the same thing around 038 'cuz I did not have intervening QSOs ;-(

For the NS Noobs, 'NIQ' means 'Need Intervening QSO' in case you hear this.

Apologies to Karl/K9BGL for the ultra butcher job trying to correctly type his
callsign into the Confuzer.  Also QLF'd N3BB, NG7Z & too many others.  Sorry,

Never heard N4AF tonight which I found strange, and got beat out twice trying
to work W4NZ.  N6RO and W0YK were both conspicuously missing from my log.  Not
sure they were even QRV.

20m was very noisy here, and both 40m/80m were major league DUDSVILLE for me so
the last half of the NS was significantly QSO & Mult 'challenged' here as
reflected in my score.  Thank goodness it was only a practice.

The nasty fire you may have seen on the news which broke out early this morning
(Thursday) is only a few miles airline from me and Locust Peak (hopeful home of
my remote station very soon).  Had the winds been blowing this way instead of
toward Corralitos on the other side of Summit Road, I would have had a possible
nasty situation on my hands here.  The miles of horizontal smoke I saw today was
very scary, and the helicopters are dipping into a local reservoir up the road
with their water buckets.

I'm sure everyone in the fire zone who lost their homes, and all those working
to put out the fire (including the pilots dropping flame retardant & water)
would appreciate your positive thoughts and prayers) that this early fire
season catastrophic fire gets fully contained ASAP.

73 & Tnx for the Q's...

Rick, K6VVA * The Locust

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