[3830] WPX CW 7J1AAI(W1NN) SOSB40 HP

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Sun May 25 20:23:27 EDT 2008

                    CQWW WPX Contest, CW

Call: 7J1AAI
Operator(s): W1NN
Station: JH1GTV

Class: SOSB40 HP
QTH: Tokyo
Operating Time (hrs): 14

 Band  QSOs
   40:  610
Total:  610  Prefixes = 372  Total Score = 1,045,320

Club: North Coast Contesters


Operated for 13 hours straight beginning at 5 PM local Saturday night (0800
zulu)and ending before 7 AM Sunday morning when Europe could no longer be
worked.  I do not operate WPX very often and am not so familiar with conditions
at this time of the year but conditions were a lot better than I expected, both
to North America and to Europe, and were just as good as in ARRL CW in

Japan is roughly the same distance from the US and Europe and on 40 the band is
open for about the same number of hours to each area.  Shortly after the last
West Coast station is worked (around midnight Japan time), European Russia
starts coming in, so you keep pretty busy throughout the night.  I think I had
a similar number of EU 6-pointers as I did NA 6-pointers, possibly more.  Not
as many 1-pointers as I expected.  Happily this should result in fewer QSLs,
but it may not be such a good sign about the level of interest in contesting
here in Japan.  

The first couple of hours were a little frustrating as I was both learning how
to use the N1MM software and learning how to use the new K3.  The K3 is
wonderful.  N1MM is amazing but anything that needs a 375 page manual could be
considered to be a little overly complex, at least to this simple-minded sole. 
I think I still prefer NA.

Thanks again to Shige Ohsawa JH1GTV for the use of his fine station.


Hal W1NN

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