[3830] 2008 Rus RTTY - All 3830 Claimed Scores 08Sep2008

mwdink at eskimo.com mwdink at eskimo.com
Mon Sep 8 10:34:02 EDT 2008

2008 Rus RTTY - All 3830 Claimed Scores 08Sep2008

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: Oct 1, 2008
E-mail logs to: contest at radio.ru
Mail logs to:
Russian RTTY WW Contest
Radio Magazine
Seliverstov per. 10
Moscow 107045
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org/

73 dink

Call               QSOs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
All Multi-Op HP
W6WRT              399  2410    51 13.42    122,910 

Call               QSOs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
UA9CLB             939  8450   266    20  2,247,700 Ural Contest Group
RA3CM              715  4655   229    17  1,065,995 
OH2BP(OH0BP)       525  2613   176    12    459,888 CCF
VA2UP              470  3465   115          398,475 CGQ
W1BYH              393  2945   116          341,620 YCCC
WX4TM              431  3095    91     9    281,645 ACG
DL8SCG             297  1935   136   9,0    263,160 RR DX
VE7CC              541  3370    77          259,490 BCDX
N4BP               477  3300    77          254,100 FCG
DJ3IW              231  1580   135  5.67    213,300 DRCG

K7QQ               357  2395    75  11.6    179,625 
AA3B               264  2260    75   6.5    169,500 FRC
DL4ME              200  1250   127   4.1    158,750 RR DX
K9MUG              249  1895    79     7    149,705 ACG
DK8EY              194  1345   100     5    134,500 RR DX
N4ZZ               212  1535    46     4     93,635 TCG
VE2FU              135   955    49     5     46,795 CGQ
AA5VU              159   955    43           41,065 CTDXCC
S53M(S51FB)        102   875    36   4.5     31,500 SCC
N8NOE              103   670    27   3.5     18,090 CTDXCC

W6SX                86   500    15            7,000 NCCC

Call               QSOs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
LZ9R(LZ3YY)        508  3070   200    22    614,000 
RA9CB              353  3340   169    17    564,460 Ural Contest Group
SP6GCU             391  2465   201          495,465 
EA8BEX             291  2870   118    12    338,660 
YO9BXC             164  1060   106    12    112,360 
K7RE               297  1745    42    10     73,290 
AB4GG              180  1155    53   6.4     61,215 TCG
K2ZC               116   930    56   7.7     52,080 Bergen ARA
SV5DKL             100   605    69     5     41,745 
N3CHX              129   870    45    18     39,150 

WB8JUI             146   820    29           23,780 MRRC
DJ6JH               69   415    74     2     22,410 DRCG
DV1JM               72   422    37           16,036 
VE2DWA(LU7DW)       82   550    25    <2     13,750 
KN3A                81   475    24           12,350 Allegheny Valley Rad
W0TUP(NELS)        109   595    18           10,710 
N2CU                46   310    22  1.25      6,820 RTTY Rangers
WA6BOB              38   215     6  1:05      1,290 SCCC

Call               QSOs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
All SOSB/20 HP
ZC4LI(STEVE)       567  5330   118    17    628,940 ESBA
VY2LI              355  2820    77     8    217,140 MCC
N3GJ               150  1265    51     6     64,515 NCC
F5CQ                91   640    50  3:30     32,000 Les Nouvelles DX

Call               QSOs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
All SOSB/20 LP
EA1CJ              255  2020    58     4    117,160 
Z35X               201  1270    69           87,630 
OH8KVY             123   785    15           45,530 
AC0E(JIM)           61   390    19 3hr35      7,410 
CT1ENQ              40   305    22  2.28      6,710 Northern Portugal DX
PR7AR               35   350    10            3,500 GUARÁ DX GROUP

Call               QSOs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
All SOSB/40 HP
OK2SFP             134   815    57     5     46,455 


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