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Mon Sep 22 01:30:36 EDT 2008

                    Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW

Call: RK3AWL
Operator(s): SM6LRR
Station: RK3AWL

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Moscow, Russia
Operating Time (hrs): 22
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:  102    27
   40:  116    32
   20:  124    37
   15:   22    15
   10:   26    15
Total:  390   126  Total Score = 49,140

Club: RK3AWL Contest Club


The CW part of the 50th Anniversary of SAC was from my personal side not the
same kind of success as last year's SSB victory... The reasons? Well, I suppose
that all bad excuses are in vain, but mainly I would say that our marketing and
PR activities around the world was successful in terms of activating many
non-Scandinavian stations, and made pileup works for Scandinavians successful
and fruitful. 

Compared to last year SSB effort, where minimum 75% of the QSOs were created
when I was calling CQ and was found by Scandinavian stations,the opposite
situation occured this year. Search and Pound was truly the only way to get any
QSOs at all in the log.

About the band conditions, I would say from my location, 15 meters was the
really disappointing band. Despite 7 element Quad at 35 meters, I just managed
to work 22 QSOs and 15 multipliers. Even 10 meter proved to be more successful,
with more QSOs (26) and the same amount of multipliers. I heard many more
stations calling me on 10, but a local QRM from some nearby industrial
machinery, created an S3 QRM level, that definitely was really hard to cope
with especially with very weak 10 meter signals. 

Anyway, it was a great pleasure as always working the contest and hope that
everyone enjoyed the activity of the CW section, and that activity in the SSB
leg will be even better!

73 de R3/SM6LRR, Mats (RK3AWL in SAC CW)

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