webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Mon Sep 29 16:19:01 EDT 2008

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY

Call: AD1C
Operator(s): AD1C
Station: AD1C

Class: SOAB(A) LP
Operating Time (hrs): 11.5

 Band  QSOs  Pts  State/Prov  DX  Zones
   40:  156  199      41      15    12
   20:  126  214      26      27    16
   15:    5   11       2       4     4
Total:  287  424      69      46    32  Total Score = 62,328

Club: Grand Mesa Contesters of Colorado


Radio:     ICOM 756 Pro III (100W)
Antenna:   Half G5RV in attic
Software:  Writelog 10.68
Hardware:  microHam microKeyer

I'm finally back on the air since moving from W1-land in May 2007.  Boy, are
things different out here in Colorado!  It seems everyone east of the
Mississippi River points their beams E/NE for the entire contest.  That makes
it hard to get anyone's attention with a puny setup.  Still, I was happy to
work Europe on both 20 and 40, and work my first Africans (well, not *mainland*

It very much felt like I was operating a RTTY contest for the first time.  I
was totally unsure about my station capabilities.  I did manage a couple runs
on 40M the second day (even had a JA come back!), but could not get anything
going on 20M, so it was mostly dialing-for-dollars on that band.  Some
tuner-upper ruined my contact with UU7J on 40M, so I missed that double-mult,
and never got the attention of anyone else in Zone 16.  I did not work a single
station in Colorado!

I was out most of the day Saturday, so ended up operating some of Friday and
Saturday night, Sunday morning and late Sunday afternoon.

Country breakdown:

           80M    40M    20M    15M    10M   Total

    9A                     1                     1
    CM              1                            1
    CN              1                            1
   CT3              2                            2
    DL              1      2                     3
   EA8              1      1                     2
     F                     2                     2
    FG                     1                     1
    GI                     1                     1
    HC                     1                     1
   HC8              1      1                     2
    HI              1      1      1              3
    HR                            1              1
     I              2      3                     5
    J3              1                            1
    J8                     1                     1
    JA              3      5                     8
     K            127     67                   194
   KH6              1      2                     3
   KP4                     1                     1
    LA                     1                     1
    LU              1      3      1              5
    OE                     1                     1
    P4              1      1                     2
    PA                     1                     1
    PY                     1                     1
    S5                     1                     1
   SV9                     1                     1
    TI                     1                     1
    VE             12     19      2             33
    XE                     5                     5
    ZF                     1                     1

73 - Jim AD1C

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