webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Wed Apr 1 07:18:59 PDT 2009

                    CQWW WPX Contest, SSB

Call: KQ2M
Operator(s): KQ2M
Station: KQ2M

Class: SOSB20 HP
Operating Time (hrs): 32

 Band  QSOs
   20: 2719
Total: 2719  Prefixes = 1097  Total Score = 7,457,406

Club: Frankford Radio Club



This is not really a "write-up" but an ongoing attempt to post my score quickly
after the contest and do the write-up later.  :-)

Another truly amazing 20 meter operating experience in my favorite contest!
Primarily a daytime contest with brief openings to the Pacific and West Coast
around 01-02z.  Even South America disappeared shortly after dark!  A few brief
moments of JA run (but only 94 total!!) interspersed with the occasional BY, YB,
HS, VR2.  I actually worked VK7ZE SHORTH-path for the first time.  We both
laughed when I told him that.  Sunday late afternoon was really tough with the
oncoming vicious T-storm & Tornados that had caused a lot of damage earlier in
NC and then PA.  Static crashes built to S9+20 making most q's impossible,
especially those in Asia.  Very sorry for appearing to be an alligator! 

Fortunately the nasty lightning, marble-sized hail and high winds waited until
0030z (phew!)to come, giving me just enough time to finish the contest and
disconnect everything.

I made about 600 LESS EU q's this weekend than ARRLDXSSB even though cndx
seemed a touch better.  When the K index climbed to 3, the runs went away; such
is life at the bottom of the cycle.  Fortunately the amazing equinoctial
propagation blessed us with a lot of interesting dx.  I can't remember the last
time I worked a JT on 20 or an HS in the morning AND the evening!  Even worked 7
Chinese stations! Usually I only get one; if I am lucky. 

Only worked 640 US and I tried REAL HARD to work them.  Having only one
rotatable 20 certainly hurts when you need to keep it on EU or JA.  I am sure
that I missed a lot of US/CA/SA prefixes off the side/back of the antenna.
Maybe next year.  Sure glad I put up my "West" dipole on Wednesday.  The
"South" dipole had worked so well, that I wanted to try a 2nd directional
antenna. 35' isn't a great height, but the nulls actually helped at times.
Since these dipoles are on separate feedlines from my 20 meter stack, I
developed a thick callous on the fingers of my left hand with the thousand+ 
manual "switches" that I made on the MFJ 6 pos switch switching between the
antennas.  The setup is so "low-tech" that it is pretty laughable. I can just
imagine someone visiting my station and saying "You actually use THAT?"  :-)  

Kudos to my WRTC-partner and good friend Dan, W7WA, with his usual great
Single Band on 20 from the EU-challenged West Coast, and to CN2R who was giving
out a high 4900+ number before the end.  WOW! 

Check out the VE8EV blog if you like reading interesting and insightful contest
stories.  I read John's blog after every contest and I finally had the pleasure
of a contest qso with him.  His efforts to get on and give us q's truly are

Finally, operating SSB is TOUGH! I was reminded once again why I love CW so
much.  Less bandwidth/splatter/intermod, easier to copy signals, more Eastern
EU/Russian activity and a lot less wear and tear on my ears!  

I look forward using the "new 40" in the future.  It used to be said that 40
SSB was the toughest, nastiest most unpleasant sub-band to operate contests on,
now that "honor" has moved to 20 SSB.

Thanks for all the q's and the mults and cu in WPXCW!  

Bob KQ2M

kq2m at earthlink.net

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