[3830] NCCC Sprint N6ZFO LP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Thu Apr 2 20:43:14 PDT 2009

                    NCCC Sprint Ladder - April 3

Call: N6ZFO
Operator(s): N6ZFO
Station: N6ZFO

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 0.5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:  11      6
   40:  20     12
   20:  14      6
Total:  45     24  Total Score = 1,080

Club: Northern California Contest Club


Thanks to all who showed up for our first NSL VI session.

Apologies for the missing Newcomers division in the "Location" Spinbox; we'll
try to change it for next week.  If you are new to NS Ladder, please send a
note to n6zfo at arrl.net and we'll get you in the correct division.

Twenty, which appeared virtually dead to the world in the SNS and then almost
useless except for the 229 signal of K7SS 15 mins prior to NSL suddenly sprang
to life with S7-9 signals from many regions. Even worked K4BAI prior on his
wire Zepp. Never heard John again on any band, and for maybe 1st time ever, did
not hear N4AF.  Probably spent too much time on 20.  

Please let me know of any problems you see with the contest, or suggestions you
may have.

73 Bill n6zfo
Contest Director, NS Ladder

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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