[3830] WPX SSB NJ6N(@K6NR) M/S HP

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Sat Apr 4 09:49:29 PDT 2009

                    CQWW WPX Contest, SSB

Call: NJ6N
Operator(s): NJ6N, K6RBS, KI6IRA, N6HC, AA6PW, K6NR
Station: K6NR

Class: M/S HP
Operating Time (hrs): 38.5

 Band  QSOs
  160:    4
   80:  110
   40:  450
   20:  841
   15:  377
   10:    0
Total: 1782  Prefixes = 657  Total Score = 2,170,071

Club: Southern California Contest Club



A few friends from the South Orange Amateur Radio Association (K6RBS, and
KI6IRA) joined myself (K6NR) and my brother (NJ6N) for a multi-single effort in
the WPX SSB contest.  We were also fortunate to have Arnie (N6HC) and Bob
(AA6PW) join us on Saturday.

We operated from my QTH in the California high desert, near Victorville.  I am
not set up for multi-op, so we put together a second station in the living room
using my Icom 756 Pro II and an AL-811 amplifier.  Antenna switching was done
the old fashioned way, by running outside to move coaxes around.  The main
station was an Elecraft K3 to an AL1200 amp, running just under maximum legal
power.  Antennas were a Cushcraft A3 tribander at 38', a 5 element 15 meter
yagi at 45', a 4 element 20 meter yagi at 60', a 40 meter 4 square,  a 80 meter
vertical, and a 40/80 trapped dipole.

The short story is that we had a lot of fun.  We were not sure how much we use
the mult station, but it was fairly active at several points during the
contest.  We had great USA runs on 20 and 15, and decent ones on 40 and 80 as
well.  20 to Europe was excellent, especially Sunday, but the challenge was
finding a spot to call CQ.  15 was only good to South America on Saturday, but
opened up well to the US on Sunday.  We had a few ops who don't get to do much
contesting who got to experience the fun of a small pileup/run.  We never made
any contacts on 10 meters, although heard it open to South America on the mult
station while we were running on the other bands.

One frustrating issue was Writelog's assignment of serial numbers; for some
reason it decided to move the 20 meter sequence to 15 meters and jump our
serial number out of whack on that band.  Couldn't figure out how to fix it, so
we just kept copy with the higher numbers.

73 to all, thanks for the Q's!

  Dana, K6NR

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