webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Sun Apr 5 05:31:52 PDT 2009

                    CQWW WPX Contest, SSB

Call: N8II
Operator(s): N8II
Station: N8II

Class: SOSB40 HP
Operating Time (hrs): 

 Band  QSOs
   40:  791
Total:  791  Prefixes = 352  Total Score = 529,056

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


I was too tired to contest Friday night so got started around 1240Z Saturday,
nothing like starting when the contest is 1/4 over. I was able to run off 150
Q's in two runs before things slowed down, then checked 15 and 10. Several
Africans including FR1AN and C91TX were worked as well as some loud SA/Carib on
15. Surprisingly 10 opened pretty well to deep SA; PP5WG was S9 +20db. Fired
back up on 40 around 2010Z (yeah, I know I could have added a few Q's on 40 in
the meantime). The EU opening was a bit slow to begin and then by 0030Z was
well past its peak. There was almost complete EU dropout from 01-03Z, then a
few sigs reappeared. EU was my downfall, my antennas were good enough to work
hundreds of stateside Q's, but not good enough to be really loud into EU. The
SA activity was good for 40M and I worked probably more SA on 40 than ever
before. Around 03Z about 4 SA's lined up in a row around 7150 and bored a hole
thru the QRM including PZ5RA. Up until around 0230Z, stateside skip was pretty
short with the 4th call area still workable, so I kept adding a lot of Q's.
Sunday morning was loaded with "Sunday drivers" as KH7XS put it and it was past
15Z before things really slowed down. And speaking of KH7XS, he was way over S9
at 2 hours past my sunrise, mucho grande signal! I kept visiting 40 off and on
between chores, etc. The EU opening was better Sunday evening, but it was hard
to hold a spot; 40 is as cut throat as 20 when condx are good to EU. 
  The most remarkable aspect of operating 40 was the incredible number of
casual ops who were willing to stop by for a QSO, many thanks to you all! And
congrats to the KD4D ops who made over 1900 Q's on 40 and the other multi's and
single ops who did so well.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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