[3830] MiQP N4PN Single Op HP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Sun Apr 19 06:24:12 PDT 2009

                    Michigan QSO Party

Call: N4PN
Operator(s): N4PN
Station: N4PN

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: Macon, GA
Operating Time (hrs): 11

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
   80:   37     58
   40:   59     69
   20:   33     22
   15:    0      0
   10:    0      0
Total:  129    149  CW Mults = 53  Ph Mults = 48  Total Score = 41,107

Club: South East Contest Club


Condx on the three "workable" bands was strange. MI usually very strong
on 20m was not the case yesterday. Storms in the SE/SW kept my ears 
ringing on 40m and 80m...
Thanks to Jim, K8MR/m for his great job again this year...21 contacts
with many double mults, as his always willingness to shift back and
forth between CW and SSB. Kudos also to K9TM/m for 7 Q's followed by
K8IR/m with 6 and W8CAR/m - 3. Many others with one and two contacts.
Thanks also to some great ops at home....worked N8M, WA1UJU/8, K8EPV,
K8MQP and WB8WKQ six times. Followed by K8AO, K8RO, N9KI/8, K8XXX and
NU8Z five times.....  
Personal score off by 34% over win in 2006. Sure the economic times 
has a lot to do with activity from the mobiles...
Thanks to the Mad River gang for again sponsoring this event.
73, Paul, N4PN

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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