[3830] NCCC Sprint N4AF LP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Thu Apr 30 20:09:49 PDT 2009

                    NCCC Sprint Ladder - May 1

Call: N4AF
Operator(s): N4AF
Station: N4AF

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 0.48

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:  10      9
   40:  29     15
   20:  16      9
Total:  55     36  Total Score = 1,980

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


---------How is this for an excuse behind the late start ?
Around 2000 walked out on front porch and bitten by a copperhead.
Back from the hospital (just) after 2230. Fastest load of n1mm, power up, load
the cw keys that I have ever done, sorry if I sounded jittery.
73, Howie 



----------------------NCCC CW Sprint Ladder V1.09---------------------------

             Band   Qso's   Mults  Time
             20M     16     12       8 
             40M     29     15      14 
             80M     10      9       4 
            160M      0      0       0 
                     ---    ---      --- 
  TOTAL =            55 Q * 36 M    26 Min

            SCORE = 55Q * 36S = 1980 points

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