[3830] NAQP CW K4XU Single Op LP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Mon Aug 3 21:45:24 PDT 2009

                    North American QSO Party, CW

Call: K4XU
Operator(s): K4XU
Station: K4XU

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 6
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:    7     4
   80:   41    21
   40:  132    41
   20:  311    46
   15:    6     2
Total:  497   114  Total Score = 57,536




This was the one where I thought I could get all together. XYL was out of town,
both rigs were working perfectly, the computer control all tweaked, all the
antennas ready to go.
Conditions did not seem too great at first. It's 85 in the shack and 102
outside. 20m was iffy and 15 was not there. Occasionally heard some 5's but
only the southern W6 were there. 40m was there was nobody home. Oh well, the
rate on 20 is good, I can wait till the other bands come up before
concentrating too hard on SO2R. When 40m did come alive, so did the noise. 
Man, that QRN is murder... Flash-zap-BOOM! Okay... maybe I'll just take a
little break here, turn everything off, get more water, maybe a sandwich and
come back when this thunderstorm cell is past. Restarted an hour later, still
lots of QRN. After two hours, another flash-zap (the spark gaps on the 600 ohm
feeders)-kaBOOM! Pulled the antennas and watched the lightning all around, no
rain in sight. That's scary since the surrounding forest is tinder-dry. One
good thing: the shack temp is down to 75 with the cooler breeze. Another half
hour and I'm back running on 40m doing some on 20m and the rate is at 130....
After two more hour delays for thunder storms, I got back on about 8 PM and was
running well though some troubles with lingering QRN crashes. Then at 0506Z the
lights went out.
I went to bed.
I'd be happy to sell some of this 100°F 10% humidity weather we are having in
here in Oregon to some of those poor drowning W2 and W3's looking for summer.

Thanks for the q's.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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