[3830] NAQP SSB K0DXC Single Op LP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Sun Aug 16 15:04:13 PDT 2009

                    North American QSO Party, SSB

Call: K0DXC
Operator(s): K0DXC
Station: K0DXC

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Jackson, OH
Operating Time (hrs): 5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:    6     6
   80:  104    30
   40:  171    33
   20:  102    29
   15:    3     3
   10:    0     0
Total:  386   101  Total Score = 38,986

Club: Society of Midwest Contesters

Team: SMC #1


Antennas: 6BTV, DX-B sloper, 80M 1/2 wave dipole @ 35 feet
Software: Win-Test V4.0.1

I signed up for a part time SMC team but was put on a FT SMC #1! I sent a few
emails to Peter trying to correct this but they must have not gone through.

Congrats to fellow team member Mike, W9RE for his monstrous *almost* 200K

I started on 10M and heard nothing... Then about an hour into the contest I
tuned across KK1L but couldn't get his attention. I didn't really care to much
about 15 because I wasn't FT and not going for the big score so I only checked
it a few times. K5TR moving me there.

20 was terrible at the start of the contest. I only heard about 30 stations
running on the whole band. Plus, some kind of lighthouse stuff was going on. I
got off the air for a few hours to go mow the lawn - I figured I may as well do
it instead of having my dad chop up all the radials I just put down!

I got back on around 4:30 - 5:00 PM (eastern) and briefly ran on 20 to bring
the Q count up a little bit and then went to 40. 40 was great until the sun
went down. Then it got so packed with broadcast stations and ESP 7 landers that
it was almost impossible to run on. I got off the air and when I got back on an
hour later things had died off enough for me to have a high rate running. After
a 120 hour I decided to go to 80. I wanted to get as many mults as I could
before someone kicked me off the radio so they could sleep.

80 was FANTASTIC, FANTASTIC, FANTASTIC!!! Who cares about the 20 over 9 static

80M rate was great - I had a few 10 minute streaks with the rate over *300*.
Working 6 or 7 guys a minute is a thrill! This was really fun but of course
once I started dreaming about an actual 300 hour the stations stopped calling.
Plus, I didn't even get to operate for an entire hour on 80. At 11:00PM I was
told to "wrap it up". I went to 160 and worked what I heard then turned
everything off around 11:10 (about 3 hours before the end of the contest).

Thanks for the QSO(s). I hope to work all of you in the OH QSO party this
weekend. I'm told that Jackson (my county) is one of the rarest! (In OH of

Cal, K0DXC

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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