webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Tue Dec 1 19:12:25 PST 2009

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Call: K8CN
Operator(s): K8CN
Station: K8CN

QTH: NH (FN43md)
Operating Time (hrs): 19

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
   80:    5     3        3
   40:   94    14       41
   20:  212    18       66
   15:   68    15       40
   10:    2     2        2
Total:  381    52      152  Total Score = 216,648



Rig: K2  Ant: lazy H, cut for 20M, half-wave vertical spacing between doublets.

I had not anticipated being able to put even as much time in this year as I did
last year (a whopping 8 hours), mainly due to work obligations rather than
family, but I kept forgetting to get out of the chair and tend to those
tasks.....now I know what my friend Tom, AA1CA means when he says, "Contesting
is an addiction, and the best thing is that there's no cure!"

Primary goal this year was to see if the lazy H really helped on 20M for the
longer haul paths (it did) versus the 135 foot doublet I used last year.  Not
entirely a fair comparison because the doublet had partially fallen in an early
storm and was embarrassingly low.....so much so that I could look down on the
center insulator from my 2nd floor shack window.

High points: Those 15M openings to AF!  Compiling a solid hour of 52 Qs in S&P
mode on 20M Saturday morning!  Operators with super ears and super patience who
were kind enough to hang with me until the exchange was confirmed!

Low points: Friday night on 40M netted 55 Qs in 5 hours - why do I do this to
myself?  80M at any time - a lazy H makes a wonderful capacity hat for my
feedline on that band, but it has got to be a cloud burner -- could barely work
VEs in a quiet spot on the band.

Thanks to all who make us QRPer's think we're loud somewhere in the world!

~ Mike, K8CN

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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