[3830] ARRL 160 K4TD M/S HP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Sun Dec 6 08:34:33 PST 2009

                    ARRL 160-Meter Contest

Call: K4TD
Operator(s): K4TD, KY4F
Station: K4TD

Class: M/S HP
QTH: Alabama
Operating Time (hrs): 34

Total:  QSOs = 1580  Sections = 79  Countries = 38  Total Score = 402,012

Club: Alabama Contest Group


This is one of my favorite contests.  Thanks for all the QSO's.  It was even
better this year as KY4F operated it with me as a multi-OP.  It was the initial
shakedown of my new Alpha 8410, which worked like a champ.  Fairly nice openings
to EU on both evenings.  We put 92 five-pointers in the log.  I had hoped for
more, but it didn't work out that way.  I recently switched back to N1MM from
Win-Test as my station contest logger.  A few times I tried to use Win-Test key
sequences on N1MM, which led to some comical results in the shack, and probably
made me sound like a lid as well...  LOL!  I was extremely surprised at the
amount of stations that duped us this year.  we had 105 duplicate QSOs (which
were not included in our QSO count above), and some stations duped us more than
once.  :-(  I'm trying to think of an appropriate certificate to send the guy
who duped us FIVE times....  LOL!

I turned on QSO recording in N1MM for this contest.  I'm sure glad I did.  I
got into a couple of frequency skirmishes with some SO2R "wannabe's" who
evidently think they can be gone for more than a minute and then swoop back in
and reclaim their "run" frequency.  I made notes of these encounters, and the
specific parties can look forward to an email from me with a recording of the
encounter.  On a positive note, I also noticed some remarkable pileup dicipline
this year as well.  I'd have to say the caliber of operating was up from last
year, the previous frequency skirmishes not withstanding.

(BTW, N4KG, I will bulk up my submission to the ACG with all the statistics you
like to see after I get a little sleep)...  ;-)



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