[3830] ARRL 10 DK6XZ(E77XZ) SO CW HP

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Mon Dec 14 07:22:51 PST 2009

                    ARRL 10-Meter Contest

Call: DK6XZ
Operator(s): E77XZ
Station: DL0MB

Class: SO CW HP
QTH: JN48iv
Operating Time (hrs): 19

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   CW:  177    46
  SSB:   58    20
Total:  177    46  Total Score = 32,568

Club: Bavarian Contest Club


Motivated trough the hope that an opening ( to NA ) is thus going to happen ...

Which ever kind of tropospherical inoisation were in use, it was the most of
the time a hard job completing the QSOs ( except to some micro-areas ) - but it
was a great challenge too. The reward for my first day 9 hours stay-in-chair -
from the very begin of the contest to the first darkness ( at 15z ) - came
first on Sunday, as the band awaikes to life in 15z, to culminate in SA opening
in hour 16z, where I logged 40 Qs. The early evening on Sunday was the
definitive highlight of the c´test with fruits like V51YJ, VP8NO, ST2AR,
5C2AR, CE4CT in the log, with a bunch of SA.

The first day I jumped from side band to CW and back to fullfil the time,
always in expectation that some openings would enable us to make a kind of run.
QSO and DXCC total showed to favor of CW mode in my case ( 1st day: 111 Qs both
modes ), so that I decided on Sunday to optimize the score for CW, due to a
nice fluent hour or two at the early evening. 

Nice as it turned out for me to become "free" from some planned familiar issues
enabling me to join the contest on the second day at all ( from 11z ). Pitty
only to have missed the Sundays opening to Oceania, mentioned by some EU

9A5W was a bacon, sometimes fluttery, but always present ( with DL6FBL ). Skip
to SV was good, SZ1A strong and stabile. LU1HF was strong and long time present
on both days.

Never heard a "beep" from USA/VE, except LZ9W who once obviously heard K1LZ and
was calling and calling him again. Thank you all for the patiente operation,
even several signals faded away never comleting the exchange ( so PY0FF,
ES1W?... ). 

Do hope to hear you soon on this band in better conditions.

73 Suad, DK6XZ ( E77XZ )

Statistics ( CW only ):
DL - 19%
EA - 15%
PY - 7,9%
LU - 6,2%

Antennas: 8EL @18m ( Optibeam OB16-3 ) + 4EL @37m ( tribander KLM KT34 )

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