[3830] RTTY Roundup VE4EAR Single Op LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Jan 4 20:23:55 EST 2009

                    ARRL RTTY Roundup

Call: VE4EAR
Operator(s): VE4EAR
Station: VE4EAR

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 8

 Band  QSOs
   80:   41
   40:  115
   20:   93
   15:    7
   10:    0
Total:  256  State/Prov = 47  Countries = 23  Total Score = 17,920



Purely part time effort between family obligations. Tried to give out the VE4
multiplier as much as possible.

Tried running this contest at a max power output of 25 watts to avoid RFI to
the neigbor. He still complained, I may have to break down and buy him a decent
home theater system just so I can operate. He won't allow me to put filters on
his speaker or AC leads...

However, operating at 25 wattts was a neat experience. At times I felt loud on
20m, even broke a few pile ups. I hate to use the old saying, but if I could
hear them, I could work them. Perhaps it took some effort and a clear frequency
but I could still get through. 80 and 40 were very noisey and low power Q's were
a lot harder to make. I could not work everyone I heard with 25 watts.

Wish I would have had more time to play this year!



Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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