[3830] RTTY Roundup KB7Q(@WA7U) Single Op LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Jan 4 20:26:06 EST 2009

                    ARRL RTTY Roundup

Call: KB7Q
Operator(s): KB7Q
Station: WA7U

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Montana
Operating Time (hrs): 24

 Band  QSOs
   80:  245
   40:  243
   20:  630
   15:  194
   10:    0
Total: 1312  State/Prov = 56  Countries = 37  Total Score = 122,016

Club: Northern Rockies DX Assn.


Sometimes the stars do line up! Sure one piece of gear crapped out in the first
hour, and the 40 meter beam had high swr - but having 15 meters open each
mid-day, along with being able to run on 80, and being loud on 20 made for a
fun time. 

Finally, I was able to work Europe for several hours right after sunrise Sunday
and get some multipliers in the log. Sweet!

This was only my second RTTY contest and first Roundup; thankfully I was able
'to school up' via the Internet and convince most folks that I knew what I was
doing! What a wonderfully astute bunch of ops!

The dual peak receive filters in the K3 were superb, and N1MM logger continues
to amaze.

Stay warm!

Gene, KB7Q

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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