[3830] Invitation to participate

Jim Duncan jdbandman at earthlink.net
Mon Jan 5 11:49:15 EST 2009

For those of you who are working toward Triple Play WAS I'd like to invite
you to check in to the new North American Traffic & Awards Net! This is the
original Worked All States net from the late 1970's which has been brought
back to the airways. Operations started January 1, 2009, and we welcome all
amateurs to participate.


The net schedule is on our website at www.northamericantrafficandawards.net.
Please feel free to check out the website, view samples of the awards we are
offering, and find out more about what we're doing. We're not a "club" and
all awards are free (if you opt for online award retrieval and


Come check us out and we hope that you'll join us soon!


73 de Jim, KU0G



P.S. Sorry this is somewhat off topic for the list and is a one-time only

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