[3830] TBDC WO9S Single Op LP

Jonathan L. Rosner rosner at hep.uchicago.edu
Wed Jan 7 14:33:12 EST 2009

                             STEW PERRY SUMMARY SHEET

     Contest Dates : 27-Dec-08, 28-Dec-08

     Callsign Used : WO9S
          Operator : WO9S
          Category : SO LP
  Default Exchange : EN61

              Name : Jonathan L. Rosner
           Address : University of Chicago
    City/State/Zip : Chicago, IL 60637
           Country : United States

         Team/Club : Society of Midwest Contesters

    BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points

   160CW      191         191        424 x 2 = 848

  Totals      191         191        424 x 2 = 848

     Final Score = 848 points.

  Without the RX loop or amplifier from last year.  Loop's tuning box was not
  waterproof enough.  Hoped nonetheless to beat last year's HP score of 872
  (before supplements); didn't quite make it.  Not a full-time effort but fun
  as always.

  I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations
  established for amateur radio in my country.  My report is correct
  and true to the best of my knowledge.  I agree to be bound by the
  decisions of the Awards Committee.

  Date: Jan. 6, 2009   Signed: Jonathan L. Rosner    Call: WO9S

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