[3830] NAQP CW AD1C Single Op LP

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Sun Jan 11 19:14:00 EST 2009

                    North American QSO Party, CW

Call: AD1C
Operator(s): AD1C
Station: AD1C

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 4.5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:   10     8
   40:   77    33
   20:  164    39
   15:    1     1
Total:  252    81  Total Score = 20,412

Club: Grand Mesa Contesters of Colorado



Radio:     ICOM 756 Pro III (100W)
Antenna:   half-G5RV in attic
Software:  WriteLog 10.69D
Hardware:  microHAM microKEYER (CW)

States missed: ME, WY, NE, ND, SD

Non-USA worked: QC, ON, AB, BC, KP2, XE (+LU)

I wasn't going to operate, but decided to put in a couple (few) hours at the
start to work on the CW part of the Triple Play WAS award. I stopped at 2146z
with 224 QSOs in the log, then got on from 0256-0342z, but 40 was mostly done,
and I tried sprayed a little RF in all random directions trying to work a
handful of guys on 80 (I was happy to work Pat N9RV in MT for a new state

I did hear W7RM on 15m but not loud enough for a QSO. I worked only one CO
station there, but heard a couple others.

I'm still getting used to this CO thing.  W0s were hard to find, I only heard a
few of the local CO stations.  Not having an 80m antenna really hurts.  I didn't
hear that many stations from W1, even on 20m, I suspect many were on 40m meters
working the population centers before the band went long.

This turned out to be a fun contest for me because a) everyone is running 100W
or less, so I can guess how I might sound on the other end, and b) I can call
CQ and get answers because I'm not so far down it the pack.

Thanks to everyone for the QSOs! I already have 39 states confirmed on CW.

73 - Jim AD1C

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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