[3830] NAQP SSB K0TG Single Op LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Jan 18 02:23:07 EST 2009

                    North American QSO Party, SSB

Call: K0TG
Operator(s): K0TG
Station: K0TG

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:   86    30
   40:   41    13
   20:  100    14
Total:  227    57  Total Score = 12,939

Club: Minnesota Wireless Association

Team: MWA #2


That was brutal.

I started late in the afternoon so missed a lot of 20 meter action if there was
any.  While I was operating I thought that I stayed on 20 longer than I should
have.  When I got to 40 it was pathetic.  I was glad I stayed on 20 as long as
it did. At least I had runs up to 90+/hour on the 10 QSO rate meter on 20.  It
quickly sunk after moving to 40.  Signals were not there like they were a week

Kirk N0KK called me while I was CQing on 40 and we cold barely hear each other
across town.  Then about 5 minutes later he called me with a loud signal.  I
was not talking to the same signal as before!  No fading either.  He was just
there.  Arm chair copy as they say.  Strange condx.

With the skunky bands, rate was not going to be a factor, so I was working more
on SSB WAS for the Triple Play.  Only worked 29 states including KL7 and KH6. 
Not much close in.  When I looked at what I worked after the contest I found
that I did not have any 9's in the log.  Nothing really close by even on 80.

I have not operated many SSB NAQPs.  I might have to make them more of a habit.
 I always have liked the name exchange.  Makes it a friendly contest.

73, John  K0TG

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