[3830] 2009 LQP N5DO

Dave/Sally Cockrum n5do at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jan 21 23:55:24 EST 2009

 Band         QSOs         Pts
  3.5              25            25,000
    7               27            27,000
Total             52            52,000
Bonus                             5,000      Locust QSO
                                       5,000      Mini-Locust Clone #1 
                                       5,000      Mini-Locust Clone #2 

Grand Total                  67,000

Happy 52 years in ham radio Locust!  Lots of fun, and the Locust clones 
(as well as the chief locust himself) were everywhere.  Nice relaxed 
event, with less of a sense of controlled panic than a Sprint.


Dave, N5DO

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